What is C.I.A. (Christians In Action)?
C.I.A. (Christians In Action) is our NEW Wednesday night Children's program that will replace AWANA. While we loved our AWANA program, our teachers noticed AWANA was not serving ALL age levels effectively. Our children would learn scripture verses quickly, but they would not remember them at a later time. Because of pacing, this program moved too quickly and our older 5th grade students lost interest. The C.I.A. program offers the great things from the AWANA program BUT...it is a concentrated study on the same verse for 3 weeks, thus giving ALL students the ability and time to effectively learn and remember God's word. C.I.A teaches character traits and brings back the importance of missions and different cultures from around the world! We want our children to have fun but more importantly learn God's word and eqip them with the foundations for spiritual growth. Please be in Prayer for our teachers, our church, and our students as we make this important change! Thank you for lifting up our Children's Department!